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2008 IABMR The 5th Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts

2008 IABMR The 5th Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts

2008 IABMR The 5th Annual Meeting
Poster Presentation & Competition

Call for Abstracts

Thursday, November 20, 2008, 11:30 am-6:00 pm

M. Barbara Schulze Conference Center (3rd floor)
The Forsyth Institute
140 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115, U.S.A.

Deadline to submit Abstract:
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Submission Instructions:
Email abstract (preferably submitted as a Word or PDF file) and
eligibility form (available at IABMR web site) to

Abstracts must contain the following contents:
1) Title
2) Authors and affiliation (with an asterisk * indicated on poster
3) Main text (maximal 250 words)
4) Contact information of poster presenter (including mailing address,
e-mail, and phone number)

All posters must be placed at the designated location in between 11:30 -
12:00 am on November 20, 2008, and removed in the end of the meeting (by
6:00 pm). Presenters will be assigned a time slot (either 12-1 pm or 3-4
pm) during which they must be standing in front of their posters to
answer questions and discuss with the viewers.

Presenters must be the current members of IABMR and the filled
eligibility form (shown below) must be copied, filled and submitted
together with the abstract by email. IABMR membership can besigned up
or renewed online here at the IABMR web site
or onsite at the annual meeting.

Award Prize:
The winning posters will be judged by a panel of reviewers comprised of
member and non-member experts and will be awarded as follow:

First Place:$200 cash + lifetime membership + travel expense*
Second Place:$100 cash + lifetime membership + travel expense*
Third Place:$50 cash + lifetime membership + travel expense*

* IABMR will reimburse all or part of poster presenter's travel
expense including air, train, bus, or gas up to $200; valid receipts are
required; IABMR reserve the right to the decision of reimbursement.

All qualified candidates for Poster Presentation and Award Competition
will be awarded with a Certificate of Participation at the end of the

############################# Eligibility Verification Form 2008 IABMR 5th Annual Meeting #############################
In order to qualify for award competition portion of the poster presentation at the 2007 IABMR Symposium (4th Annual Meeting), I certify and/or agree to the following:
1. I am a current IABMR member.
2. My poster has been approved by my supervisor or PI to be presented and entered for competition in the 5th IABMR Annual Meeting.
3. The scientific content of my poster has never been published in any journal (print or online), including "Accepted" or "In press".
4. The scientific content of this poster was presented in other scientific meeting(s). Please specify the name of the meeting here:
5. I agree to disclose any conflict of interest I may have.
6. I agree to list the title of my poster in the IABMR website.
7. I agree that IABMR has the right to revoke my award should I fail to fulfill the eligibility requirements, or violate the rules of the poster award competition. 
Presenter Information:
Name: Institute: Phone: Email:
PI/Supervisor Information:
Name: Institute: Phone: Email:

Please submit the completed form, together with your abstract to IABMR
via email ( no later than November 13th, 2008.

 Posted on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 04:29 PM; by: admin