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Call For Abstract - 2006 Annual Meeting

Call For Abstract - 2006 Annual Meeting

2006 IABMR Annual Meeting Call for Poster Presentation & Award Competition

All current IABMR members (including o­n-site registered members: annual membership fee $10) are eligible for the poster presentation and award competition for six prizes that will be awarded to the best six posters voted by a group of judges:

First Prize (one): $300
Second Prizes (two): $200
Third Prizes (three): $100

In addition, all qualified candidates of Poster Presentation and Award Competition will be awarded with a Certificate at the end of the conference.

Abstract of poster presentation submission deadline:November 30th, 2006.

Submission by E-mail;

Abstract format:
1) title

2) authors and affiliation (* on poster presenter)

3) main text (250 words)

4) contact information about poster presenter, including mailing address, E-mail and phone number.

Poster size:
no larger than feet in height and feet in length; please bring your own thumbtacks.