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2006 IABMR Annual Meeting Program

2006 IABMR Annual Meeting Program


The 3rd IABMR Annual Scientific Meeting (2006)

“Dynamic Biomedical Research”


Thursday 11:30am–6:00pm, December 7th, 2006


M. Barbara Schulze Conference Center (3rd floor),The Forsyth Institute, 140 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115, U.S.A.


 Full Program PDF



Registraation and Luncheon

Sponsors Exhibition and Presentation

IABMR Member Poster Presentation

IABMR Membership Meeting and Contribution Award



Keynote Speech by Distinguished Scientists

Featured Presentation by IABMR Members



Poster Presentation & Award Competition

Sponsors Exhibition

Excellent Poster Award



Registration and Luncheon

Chairs: Xuesong Gu and Tsute Chen


Sponsoring Vendor Exhibition

Chairs: Ron Vincent and Yumei Zhan

IABMR Members Poster Presentation

Chair: Paloma Valverde


Sponsoring Vendor Presentation

Chair: Yumei Zhan


IABMR Membership Meeting and Contribution Award

Chairs: Bai-Lin Wu and Jake Chen


Welcome and Introduction

Bai-Lin Wu, M.Med., Ph.D., FACMG
President of IABMR and Chair of the 3rd Annual Symposium, 2006


Opening Remarks

Dominick DePaola, D.D.S., Ph.D.
President and CEO, The Forsyth Institute



Chairs: Weiming Xia and Mike Levin


Genes that Regulate the Size and Shape of the Human Cerebral Cortex

Christopher A. Walsh, M.D., Ph.D. (Introduced by Bai-Lin Wu)
Bullard Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics,Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
Chief, Division of Genetics, Children's Hospital Boston
Director, Harvard-MIT M.D.,Ph.D. Program



Cellular Mechanotransduction and Developmental Control

Donald E. Ingber, M.D., Ph.D. (Introduced by Mike Levin)
Judah Folkman Professor of Vascular Biology, Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Vascular Biology Program, Department of Pathology
Department of Surgery, Children's Hospital Boston



Coffee Break


Chairs: Toshi Kawai and Yi-Ping Li


Bioelectrical Controls of Patterning

Mike Levin, Ph.D.
Associate member, Dept. of Cytokine Biology, The Forsyth Institute
Assistant Professor, Harvard School of Dental Medicine



Array CHG Analysis for Mental Retardation Syndromes

Bai-Lin Wu, M.Med., Ph.D., FACMG
Director, Genetics Diagnostic Lab, Children's Hospital Boston
Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School


Mechanisms of Anticancer TCM

Erxi Wu, Ph.D.
Faculty Member, Children's Hospital Informatics Program Health
Sciences and Technology of Harvard-MIT, Harvard Medical School



A Novel Acyltransferase Controls the Generation of Embryonic Vessels and Blood

Jing-Wei Xiong, Ph.D.
Assistant Biologist of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School




Sponsors Exhibition

Chairs: Yumei Zhan and Jay Javad

Poster Presentation

Chairs: Shi-Liang Ma and Qisheng Tu

Poster Evaluation by Judges for Award Winners

Chairs: Toshi Kawai and Weiming Xia, and invited Judges


Excellent Poster Award

Chairs: Paloma Valverde and Bai-Lin Wu


Closing Remark

Richard Pharo, Sc.D.
Executive Vice President / Administration, The Forsyth Institute
IABMR Advisory Committee Member




Chairs: Pu Zhang and Jing-Wei Xiong

Call for Poster Presentation & Award Competition

IABMR members (including on-site registered members: annual membership fee $10) are eligible for the poster presentation and award competition for six prizes that will be awarded to the top six posters voted by a group of judges:

First Prize (one): $300, Second Prizes (two): $200, Third Prizes (three): $100

In addition, all qualified candidates of Poster Presentation and Award Competition will be awarded with a Certificate at the end of the conference. For details of the annual meeting program, schedule, guidelines of poster presentation & award competition, and information about IABMR, please visit

Abstract of poster presentation submission deadline: November 30th, 2006.

Submission by E-mail to:

Abstract format: 1) title, 2) authors and affiliation (* on poster presenter), 3) main text (250 words) and 4) contact information for poster presenter, including mailing address, E-mail and phone#.

The 3rd IABMR Annual symposium is committed to the advancement of Biological & Biomedical research orientated to human health and the cure of human diseases through the facilitation of scientific communication, discussion, and the sharing of knowledge among scientists to the corresponding problems. Therefore, the annual symposium organizing committee requires the following regulations concerning the presentation of posters. Please prepared accordingly, otherwise, you will NOT be candidates for the awards.

1. All the presenters must register and pay membership fee at 11:30-1:30.
2. All the posters should be in place before 11:30am and removed by 6:30pm.
3. All presenters must indicate in their posters whether the results have been published or not in journals (either print or online).
4. The author of the presentation for the poster competition must be designated and show up at the meeting.



Registration fee is $10, which includes meeting registration and annual membership fee (Life time Members are free of the charge). Lunch and reception are free for all the IABMR members, as well as invited guests, sponsoring vendors, and participants from The Forsyth Institute.

Meeting registration and membership application/renewal are available online at; by email to; by phone to 617.892.8307.

Direction to Forsyth Institute

1. By subway –Take Subway E (Green) line to “Northeastern University Station”, then walk toward Fenway Park. The Forsyth building and parking lots are 3 min walking distance from the subway station. M. Barbara Schulze Conference Center is located on the third floor of the Forsyth building.

2. By car –Parking at the Forsyth is available to speakers and sponsors only. A limited number of metered parking spaces are available on Hemenway Street. Use of public transportation is strongly recommended.

Organizing Committee

Chairs of the Program:

Bai-Lin Wu, M.Med., Ph.D., FACMG, IABMR President, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Weiming Xia, Ph.D., IABMR Board Member, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Mike Levin, Ph.D., IABMR Board Member, The Forsyth Institute, Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Chairs of the Local Organizing Committee:

Yi-Ping Li, Ph.D., Past President of IABMR, The Forsyth Institute, Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Toshi Kawai , Ph.D., Past President of IABMR, The Forsyth Institute, Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Chairs of Poster Presentation and Award Competition:

Paloma Valverde, Ph.D., IABMR Vice President, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Shi-Liang Ma, Ph.D., The Forsyth Institute

Qisheng Tu, Ph.D., Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Chairs of Sponsors Exhibition and Presentation:

Yumei Zhan, Ph.D., IABMR Vice President, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School

Ron Vincent, President and CEO, BIOCON Scientific

Chairs of Registration, Luncheon and Reception

Xuesong Gu, Ph.D., IABMR Treasurer, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School

Tsute Chen , Ph.D., IABMR IT Director, The Forsyth Institute

Pu Zhang, Ph.D., Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School

Chairs of Board Election Committee:

Jake Chen, D.D.S., Ph.D.Chair of IABMR Advisory Board, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Erxi Wu, Ph.D., Past President of IABMR, Children's Hospital Boston CHIP at HST of Harvard-MIT

Chairs of Contribution Award Committee:

Toshi Kawai , Ph.D., Past President of IABMR, The Forsyth Institute, Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Yi-Ping Li, Ph.D., Past President of IABMR, The Forsyth Institute, Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Organizing Committee Members:

Mary-Kathleen Deloge, Jennifer Kelly, Jay Javad, Janie Lee, D.D.S., Jean Qiu, Ph.D., Hajime Sasaki, Ph.D.,

Carrie Soltanoff, Taka Tsuji, Ph.D., Jing-Wei Xiong, Ph.D., Shuying Yang, Ph.D.