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Please register for 2004 IABMR Annual Meeting and Symposium

Please register for 2004 IABMR Annual Meeting and Symposium

Program Announcement and Registration

IABMR Annual meeting/symposium

December 2, 2004 (Thursday), 1:20 PM-6:30 PM

Location : The Forsyth Institute, 140 Fenway, Boston, MA 02115

Registration: Free for IABMR members and Forsyth employees; $10 for non-member. Preregistration is encouraged. Online Preregistration at

Title: “Academic Oriented Bio-Tech Ventures

1:00-1:20 Registration: Name tag pick-up; drink and light snack will be served.

1:20-1:30 Opening remarks
Dominick P. DePaola, DDS, PhD
President and CEO, The Forsyth Institute

1:30-2:10 (Keynote speech) Case Study of Academia Launched Bio-Venture: Coopting the Neonatal Fc Receptor for Drug Delivery and Beyond
Richard Blumberg, MD
Chief, Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Scientific Founder of Syntonix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

2:10-2:40 The View from the Other Side: Making the Switch from Biotech to Academics
Vicki Rosen, PhD
Department Head, Tissue Growth and Repair, The Forsyth Institute
Professor, Oral and Developmental Biology, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Former Director of BMP Research at Genetics Institute
Former Distinguished Research Scientist at Genetics Institute/Wyeth Research

2:40-3:10 From the Laboratory to the Marketplace: Recognizing the Critical Pathway of Drug Development
Frederick A. Curro, DMD, PhD
Chief of Pharmacotherapeutic Research and Clinical Professor of Oral Medicine, Bluestone Center for Clinical Research, NYU College of Dentistry
Former Vice President/Director of Corporate Clinical and Medical Affairs, GlaxoSmithKline and Block Drug Company, Inc.
Former Executive Director of Clinical Research and Operations, Transkaryotic Therapies, Inc.

3:10-3:20 Coffee Break

3:30-4:00 Founding ActoKine Therapeutics for Biodefense and Founding Student Vision for Helping Scientists to "Get a Foot in the Door" of Biotech and Big Pharma
Grace H. W. Wong, PhD
Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, ActoKine & Founder and President of Student Vision
Former Post-doc and Scientist at Genentech, Former Head of Apoptosis Research at Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Section Head of Molecular Genetics at AstraZeneca and Head of Cytokine and Reproductive Genomics at Serono (87 publications and 27 patents)

4:00-4:30 Development and Protection of Intellectual Properties by Researchers in Academia
Richard L. Pharo, ScD
Vice President, The Forsyth Institute
Former Administrative Director at the Eye Research Institute of Retina Foundation
Former Associate Director for Research Affairs at Massachusetts General Hospital

4:30-5:00 Building Commercial Value with Corporate Partners: A guide to Knowledge Supply Chain Management System
Hideki Mitani
Founder and Managing Director of Roberts Mitani, LLC
Managing Member of TTC-RMA Venture Partners, LLC
Managing Member of Nagayama IP Holdings, LLC
Board Member of Diversified Natural Products, Inc.
Former Senior Executive at Goldman Sachs and Sumitomo Bank
Visiting Professor at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Graduate School of International Business

5:00-5:30 Academic/Industry Biotechnology Symbiosis
Eric Aguiar, MD
General Partner, HealthCare Ventures, LLC
Board of Director at CardioKine
Former Chief Executive Officer of Genovo Inc
Former Managing Director of Philadelphia Ventures

5:30-5:40 An Important New Funding Opportunity for Seed-Stage Academic Life Science Research Projects
Steven Wardell, MBA
Principal, CPP Advisors, LLC
Z-Cube, the corporate venture capital arm of Zambon Group S.P.A.
5:40-5:50 Closing remarks
Philip Stashenko, DMD, Ph.D.
Senior Member of the Staff, Senior Vice-President of Research and Development, The Forsyth Institute

5:50-6:30 Reception/Social hour/Poster competition


The Forsyth Institute 
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine