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IABMR Board Member Meeting

IABMR Board Member Meeting
IABMR Board Member Meeting 10/4/2013
An IABMR board members meeting took place on 10/4/2013 from 5 to 6:30 pm at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston MA.
Board Members present at the meeting: Ron, Weiming, Paloma, Qisheng, Toshi, Addy, Elena, Li, Pu, George, Jacques, Minglian.
Paloma Valverde, currently the department Chair of Sciences at the Wentworth Institute of Technology called the meeting. Participants were welcomed. After that, board members voted yes to the following:
1) The IABMR main web site will be updated with the names and contact information of current president of IABMR (Paloma Valverde), Vicepresidents (Addy-Alt Holand, Li Zheng, Jacques Izard, Ron); Treasurer (Pu Zhang) and IT director (George Chen ). George, our IT director will be working on this ASAP.
2) New board members recommended by Yi-Ping Li on 10/4/2013 by email(s) were accepted to be part of our board (their names will be added to the IABMR website).
3) Creating of an IABMR group in China.
4) Previous Board members not attending meetings will be invited to continue contributing to IABMR development. An email will be sent by our President to remind them we need their active contribution.
5) A small gathering with food and drinks will be planned during the first week of December in order to welcome back our members/active board members and to recruit new ones. We will need them to plan and participate in new events in 2014.
6) Email communication among members and board members will be reduced due to our busy schedule. We will implement alternative methods for communication such as the use of google+ (for group videoconferencing or “hangout”) or our IABMR linkedin group. All board members and prior presidents of IABMR will have to get free google+ accounts and access the linkedin group by October 12th 2013.
7) New IABMR Journal or Newsletter will be developed with the help of our new Board Members or their students in China. Board members in Boston will be focusing their energy in recruiting new members, restructuring the board and organizing the New Year Party in January/February and the Annual IABMR meeting in Spring and BBQ in Summer.
8) IABMR member niche will be redefined. In addition to its research component, an education/teaching/career component will be developed to increase interest and attract new members. IABMR could be a good forum for graduate/undergraduate teachers and students, e.g. high school teachers.
Post Meeting Notes (not part of the minutes):
1) You can join the IABMR linkedin group (10 members already!) at:
It will allow us to vote, get poll results, and discuss issues. You can also connect with others through your linkedin account (free). It will be great if you are looking for a job or are looking for collaborators.
2) When you get a google + account (free), I will add you to the google + page of IABMR:
It will allow us to communicate by videoconferencing and to post documentation that we want to share among each other.